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In 2010 I was blessed to give birth to my daughter Adeline Rose.  My intention was to birth her at home, but instead we had a caesarian birth.  It was an experience that completely turned my world around and I felt devastated. It took me a few years to process and heal.  The intensity of it shocked me and the week following my birth found us with unexpected complications.  Emotionally I struggled through the first year  and felt a whole range of conflicting emotions.  Importantly, I think the things that I learned prior to becoming pregnant shaped my perspective on birth and the way it should/could go.  My own experience showed me something very different and shed a whole new light upon me.  With this new perspective, I want to share what I've learned with others.  With my unique background as a birthing/ postpartum doula, and having a home birth caesarian, I hope to educate and be a source of support for women who are pre/post natal.  Check back very soon to see links to my blog with my birth story and how I processed. 

Mary Hohlman holding child's hands Mary Hohlman cuddling with daughter Mary Hohlman holding child up to trees Mary Hohlman and child smiling for camera